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About Us

I teach real-life skills

Young and reckless

I started as an entrepreneur when I was 7, selling Garfield drawings to afford cafeteria snacks.

Then I went on to start an English school when I was 19, and it was a huge and expensive failure. I thought it would be easy, and it wasn't.



I kept trying venture after venture, mostly failing, mostly because I thought I could figure everything out by myself, by learning from life itself and with raw experience.

This kept me blind from seeing and being open to learning basic business principles that could have made my path easier.


Lack of focus

Some of the fields where I have built startups: Eco-friendly textiles, GMAT training, Language school, translation and interpretation, SaaS, Digital Marketing, Industrial Digitalization, to name a few.

While this has given me a rather broad sense of the world, it also kept me from making real progress into something meaningful, which is when entrepreneurial volunteering came into the picture.


Sales and a side gig

As luck would have it, I got into tech, a long-life dream and an opportunity came together. I didn't know the last thing about what I was doing, so I learnt fast and that is when focus started building up. When I got in tech, I did what I do best: wear many hats: Customer Success, Sales, Value Consulting, Accounts Receivable, and Account Management.

As a non-stop super dedicated professional closed great deals and multimillion dollar deals in my first year at Parsable, to then work as a consultant for other companies who wanted to penetrate the LATAM market of industrial software. I built several teams and led brand positioning for quite a few brands, with grand results... most of the time.

During this time, I kept designing and perfecting digital skills webinars for entrepreneurs with limited technical skills.


Enter the pandemic

Everything changed, as you very well know, the need for digital skills, online stores and payment became critical. This is when the Small Business Development Center in Texas State University took a leap of faith to organize sequential workshops to help entrepreneurs build their digital presence.


I am a trainer

Nothing makes me happier than seeing you succeed, than seeing you establish a marketing aparatus that brings you customers and helps your business evolve and grow.

This is when I decided to focus on building courses and simply provide the services that small business owners need to grow.


Get in touch to discuss what you need:


You can join most of my webinars for free:

Alex Webinars

Let’s Work Together

500 Terry Francine Street 

San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890

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